The entire issue of the Signal Hoist has always been available on our website
as a PDF – and will continue to be there. However, if you only wanted to look at the Commander’s monthly report or that of another Bridge officer, you would have to open up the entire issue and scroll through it to find the one you wanted. We’re now offering some new ways to present and organize all the Signal Hoist articles.
Consequently we’ve been working with Virginia Johns to take portions of the monthly Signal Hoist and have them more easily accessible on our website. Under the main tab – News And Articles – we have added a tab for “Monthly Reports”. There you will find the latest monthly reports from the various Bridge Officers. There is no need to find the issue of the Signal Hoist and then find the Bridge officers report.
In addition, Virginia is now taking individual articles submitted by members, which were included in the Signal Hoist, and posting them individually under the “Member News and Articles” tab. These are now more readily accessible and not buried in a particular issue of the Signal Hoist.
These individual posts on our website may not show until a few days after you receive the PDF Signal Hoist.
Virginia and I encourage you to take a look at the new organization of the articles on the website and give us your feedback. Let us know if it does or does not work for you! Thanks.